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Hush Hush

The Sunday Express have reported that Faye is PREGNANT! We hope she can still fit into her wedding dress for the ceremony in a few weeks time!

Lisa is working on her solo album. She says her new music will be dance orientated and 'sexy and funky' we can't wait to hear what it's like!

Lee has been spotted out and about with the actress who plays Precious in Eastenders.

Claire has admitted that she is getting nervous about her wedding to Mark Webb. She also says that she'd prefer to keep it a private affair but the idea of the money she would get paid for selling it to a glossy mag is very appealing.

Faye recently enjoyed a holiday in Spain wuith her fiance Jasper Irn. She was relaxing abroad before returning to the UK to continue with her wedding plans.

H & Claire have their second Steps related battle on their hands. Their new single Half A Heart is released on August 12th, the same day as Lisa's brothers 3SL and Lisa's fiance Johnny Shentall release their new singles!

Lisa claims that her Hear'Say lover, Johnny Shentall, did not cheat on her with gym worker Vicky Island as it was previously reported in the press.

Lee has reportedly been offered £20,000 to spill the beans on the Steps split, lets hope that he does the decent thing and tells them to get lost





















Get all the insider info straight from the STEPSters themselves...





H & Claire Interviews 


Int 1: One Step Beyond

Int 2: H & Claire - The Truth

Int 3: Mr & Mrs

Int 4: The Futures Bright

Int 5: Claire Gets Chatty

Int 6: H & Claire Go Under Cover

Int 7: H & Claire AOL Chat Transcript

Int 8: Claire Hopes For A Hit

Int 9: H & Claire On Being Branded Bad

Int 10: Hey Mr & Mrs DJ

Int 11: Two's Company

Int 12: On The Blower With H

Int 13: H Goes Under The Grill

Int 14: Step Two

Int 15: H's Fan-Ish Inquistion

Int 16: Dotmusic Interview

Int 17: Claire's Fan-Ish Inquistion

Int 18: Claire Exposed

H & Claire Interviews 2

Int 1: H - 'I Thought I Was Having A Nervous Break Down!'

Int 2: H Answers Back. (Audio Interview)

Int 3: Vet Needs Practice.

Int 4: Destiny's Children.

Int 5: H - 'I Don't Want To Grow Up'.

Int 6: H & Claire's Dodgy Dilemas. (Video Interview)

Int 7: Shocking Revelations.

Int 8: Dotmusic Webchat Transcript

Int 9: Top Of The Pops Lottery

Int 10: Half An Hour With H


Faye Tozer Interviews


Int 1: When Will I Be Faye-mous?!

Int 2: On The Blower With Faye

Int 3: Faye's Away With The Fairies

Int 4: 'I Nearly Had A Boob Op!'

Int 5: Faye Takes It One Step At A Time

Int 6: Singled Out



Lisa Scott-Lee Interviews


Int 1: Lisa's Split Statement

Int 2: Lisa & 3SL T4 Chat Transcript

Int 3: We Are Family