H & Claire Interviews


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Read all about H & Claire in our various interviews with the poptastic pair.
Interview 1: One Step Beyond
Interview 2: H & Claite The Truth
Interview 3: Mr & Mrs
Interview 4: The Future's Bright
Interview 5: Claire Gets Chatty
Interview 6: H & Claire Go Under Cover
Interview 7: H & Claire's AOL Chat Transcript
Interview 8: Claire's Hopes For A Hit
Interview 9: H & Claire On Being Branded Bad
Interview 10: Hey Mr & Mrs DJ
Interview 11: Two's Company
Interview 12: On The Blower With H
Interview 13: H Goes Under The Grill
Interview 14: Step Two
Interview 15: H's Fan-Ish Inquisition
Interview 16: Dotmusic Interview
Interview 17: Claire's Fan-Ish Inquistion
Interview 18: Claire Exposed
Interview 1: One Step Beyond
Claire Richards had 13 consecutive top-five hits with STEPS, a record only bettered by the Beatles. But then the band split at the height of its fame. So what will she do for an encore?
Claire Richards wants to set the record straight. When STEPS announced they were splitting up, rumours started that it was all Claire's fault. Supposedly she handed in her notice on the penultimate day of the band's Greatest Hits tour, 'H' (Ian Watkins) followed suit, and Lisa, Faye and Lee were left feeling hurt and betrayed.
Not strictly  true says Claire. Speaking for the first time about the real reason for the split the 24 year old explains: "We were planning to make another album, but as the tour went on we'd go on stage every night and say 'It isn't going to get any better than this'. Personally I began to realise we shouldn't carry on. Obviously I discussed it with H as we're very close. We iniated the conversation with the others, but it wasn't just our decision. As far as I was aware, on the last night of the tour everyone was cool about splitting up; it just took one of us to say 'enough is enough'.
After a couple of months break from the music business, Claire seems happy and refreshed. While she's still sad about the split, she admits being in the band was no longer a challenge.
"It had got to the point where it was always the same thing - record an album, promote a single, go on tour. Right from the start we said that we wanted to go out on top, not to drag things out. I hope we'll all be friends, but I think we're all going in different directions now."
She's still close to H though. After co-presenting the BBC talent show STEPS To The Stars, they've just signed a £4m record deal as a duo. Their first single is a feel-good disco track called 'DJ', and Claire says they aim to be poppy like STEPS, but a buit cooler. Not only that the duo are soon to take over as presenters of SM:TV, replacing James Redmond.
As one fifth of Britains most successful band since the Beatles, Claire is no strnger to hard work and it's just as well. Just back from a holiday in the Maldives with her boyfriend, dancer Mark Webb, today she has interviews to do and then she flies off to Sweden to write songs with H. After that they're off to Miami to shoot a video.
Claire admits it would be tough if she didn't have H at her side. It's her dream to go solo eventually but she laughs, "We're both too chicken to do it on our own just yet, we got talking about solo careers and it was like 'ican't do it on my own - I'm too scared'. That's were the whole duo idea came from. I'd like to be like Celine Dion, but I don't think I'm old enough to be able to sing a ballad with total conviction."
The reason she's best mates with H, claire explains, is because they were the babies of the band. "As the youngest we formed an immediate connection," she says "We have similar personalities, we like the same kind of music - we just clicked. H isn't percieved as being laid back, but we'd both rather chill out than go on mad drinking benders - wheras Lisa is a real party animal, Faye is too and Lee did a very good job of keeping up with them. That's never been our scene. I don't think I'd ever even had a hangover before I was in STEPS, they corrupted me."
She laughs now but there was a time when she was smiling through the tears. Two years ago she dated record exec, Reece Hill, behind his finace's back.
"A lot of stuff has happened that I regret, but it made me a stronger person, I'm not making excuses but I was very young and it was my first relationship. I thought 'I'm never going to find anyone again' but I was wrong. Mark is perfect for me. He loves me for me not because I'm a pop star."
Mark and Claire met while he was dancing on one of STEPS' tours. He's passionate about healty living and a good example to Claire who admits to a fondness for junk food.
"I love eating. Some people can eat what they want and it makes no difference, But I can't. I don't think I'm over weight, but nothing in my wardrobe fits me at the moment, so I've made a pact withj myself that I'm going to loose a stone."
She laughs about press reports that claimed she had gained so much weight she must be pregnant, but being labelled as fat does upset her. "Things like that make people anorexic. Not everyone has the perfect figure. I'm a sizec 12 and I'm 5ft 6in, so I'm pretty average. Yes I've got hips and a bum, but I think people prefer a more shapely figure."
Claire comes across as confident, but says she was painfully shy as a chuld. Born and raised in Hillingdon, Middlesex, she used to hide behind her mum, until she had to sing for a music exam and wowed her teached so much that he persuaded her to sing with the school orchestra.
After completeing her A - Levels, she did jobs before joining girl trio, TSD, who toured with Boyzone but it didn't last long. Then she auditioned fpr STEPS and the rest is chart history.
"I'm still quite shy though," she says "I panic about speaking on the phone to people I don't know. I couldn't even ring for a pizza I had to get my Mum to do it for me,"
Shy or not, she's thrilled at being back at work. She looks around at the various paraphernalia of our photo shoot, smiles and says: "I've had a nice break, but I've missed all this!".
Interview 2: H & Claire The Truth

H and Claire have been cast ads the villians who split STEPS and broke pop's heart on Boxing Day. But fresh from announcing that they werre going to form a duo, the pair gave Planet Pop theur side of the story, telling us why STEPS split and what they really think of the other members of the band.
According to Claire it was the other three members lack of enthusiasm for STEPS' music that actually forced the split. In interviews Faye had made it clear that she didn't like the music.
"It's almost insulting to the fans to say, 'We're launching this music on you, but I don't actually like it or believe in it'" Claire sighed. "The fans will feel betrayed. H and I are a little bit younger than the others and we grew up in a pop environment so were were more comfortable with it. Certain people forgot where they started. OK, people do grow up and change but if there's an inkling that you don't believe in it any longer, you shouldn't carry on. And it was becoming obvious that people wanted to go off and do 'cooler' things - go to the NME awards (Faye attended in 2001) instead of the Smash Hits awards and stuff like that. But that's not what being in a pop band is about. I enjoy pop and would much rather be in a pop band than a grungy rock band, just imagine H in a band like that - it wouldn't work!"
H admitted that leaving had been difficult. "It was really, really upsetting and I'm not over it yet," he said. "It wasn't supposed to come out 'til a press conference in January, but the papers got hold of it and we had to get it out. I didn't want it to happen on Boxing Day, but we wanted to be honest to our fans."
Claire though was very angry at the way she and H have been portrayed. "We've been made out to be the nasty ones in all of this," she said.
"The attention has been focussed on the letters that we gave to the rest of the band. But we were contractually obliged to give a letter of notice. It wasn't all cold and business like there were lots of tears and lots of hugs. We certainly didn't have an argument and we felt ther was no bad feeling."
Claire also stressed that the decision to continue with H had been taken only after they had left the band.
"We talked about it over Christmas, after the STEPS split. We spents lots of time together as just mates and not colleagues and we realised that we really like each other and would really like to work together."
"We're going to be making good quality pop and not try to be anything that we're not," added H. "There won't be any drastic image changes or anything like that. We just want people to listen to the music and enjoy themselves."

And The Rest?

Claire On Lee:
Lee always enjoyed songwriting so he might continue to do that. He also said for a long time that he wanted to act. Who know?

Claire On Lisa:
I think Lisa would be good at the pop thing, but she likes people like Natalie Imbruglia so I think she might go down that route. I know it will be very different from STEPS.

Claire On Faye:
I doubt Faye will do pop. Her fiance is very much into rock, and the demos she'd recorded were a bit more ecletic, really. She even mentioned once that she would be happy to just stick to songwriting.


Interview 3: Mr & Mrs

What did you think the very first time you saw each other?
Claire: I actually tgought he was quite cool - how wrong was I! But he wasn't as hyperactive as he is now. He blew his cover soon after, but he's always been very funny.
H: I thought she was a lot older because she was wearing this frumpy cat-suit that did nothing for her. I'd heard her singing in a booth, then the cat-suit walked out and I was like 'What?!'
What impression do you think you made?
Claire: I was only 19 when I went to the STEPS auditions and met H. But I know for some reason he thought I was a lot older.
H: She probably thought I was cool, but I shatterd that when I opened my gob!

What's the nicest thing about your new singing partner?
Claire: He's thoughtful, kind and generous.
H: I love her honesty. She won't be false with people. She'll tell somebody if the deserve a compliment but she won't just say : 'You look fantastic!' for the sake of it.

And the most annoying?
Claire: He sniffs all the time! As though he's got a cold but he hasn't! I find it really irritating and I don't know why he does it! It drives me up the wall!
H: She sings allthe time it's like constant karaoke in my ear.
Do you know what your most annoying habit is?
Claire: Probably my singing.
H: Yeah, I sniff all the time for no reason.

What's the most embarassing thing they've ever done?
Claire: Well I suppose there''s been quite a few really, but one that stands out is when we were in France to promote STEPS. H always tried really hard, even there was a language barrier, and someone asked us if we were enjoying our stay. He was like 'Ah yes, we love your gondolas and your leaning tower.' Everyone was like 'Oh My God - shut up we're in France! He didn't know where we were - idiot boy!
H: I can't think of Claire doing anything embarrassing - it's usually me that makes the blunders.

Are there any clothes you wish they wouldn't wear?
Claire: Not so much now but he used to love his three quarter length trousers - he's actually got a apair on today - I suppose they're ok but at one time he had a apair in every colour under the sun and wore them all the time.
H: No, actually she has really good style.

If you're going out for a meal together can you predict what the other will order?
Claire: Pretty much. He's a bit more adventurous with food then I am and is quite 'gourmet' but sometimes we like similar things. If you gave me a menu I could probably tell you what he'd have.
H: Claire likes Indian food. We both do and we have exactly the same meal when we eat out; chicken korma and pilau rice.

Who is their fave pop star?
Claire: I know he likes Britney Spears and we were talking about Fuve Star today. We were both huge Fuve Star fans as kids and we've been told they're coming back and going on tour. My boyfriend gave me their album and I'll definately go and see them!
H: She absolutely loves Celine Dion.

What's their fave soap?
Claire: I don't know if he watches soaps, he might watch Eastenders.
H: She likes Friends.

What's their biggest fear or phobia?
Claire: H gets a bit twitchy about flying and whenever there's a bit of turbulence he's like 'Oh My God!' in a dead loud voice.
H: She doesn't like heights but she loves to make a big deal about it. When we were on tour we had a bridge across the audience, and there she was jumping up and down and waving her arms about so she can't be that scared!

Who in the public eye do they have the hots for?
Claire: Probably Britney. He's always had a bit of a soft spot for her. He'd like to go one her jet, and hang out with the rich and famous.
H: Freddie Prinze Jnr. She loves that dark look which is very different to what her boyfriend Mark looks like!

What cringe-worthy CDs do they have?
Claire: I know he's got a Pete Waterman album!
H: None really but we've both got Five Star's Greatest Hits. They're set for a revival and good on 'em they're brilliant!

When did they last have a strop?
Claire: We don't really have strops, only with each other, so I probably caused the last one by being late or not being ready. He usually gets annoyed with me when I'm not ready on time but I've decided I don't care anymore!
H: She had an argument with her sister and her mum recently so probably that.

What makes them laugh?
Claire: He loves comedy sketches like 'Gimme, Gimme, Gimme', 'French & Saunders' and 'Absolutely Fabulous'. He's always doing the dialogue of something he's seen and saying 'Do you remember such and such' and usually I don't have a clue cos I haven't seen it.
H: She loves 'Sex And The City'.

What would they blow £100 on?
Claire: Clothes. We've both gone clothes mad recently, because now we can wear what we like and we don't have to worry about fitting into a matching group. I'm clothes obsessed - it's becoming a bit of a problem actually. I need help!
H: Clothes, but she wouldn't even get a top for that amount! Her taste in clothes is so expensive she'd probably get one sleeve or something.

How would they spend the perfect day?
Claire: He'd chill out at home and maybe go and see his family. That's what I'd do because we don't get many days off. I always feel bad for not doing anything, but sometimes that's exactly waht you need.
H: She'd sleep really late, then probably have a manicure or a massage and have a relaxing day and go out for a meal.
Interview 4: The Future's Bright
We caught up with H & Claire to find out exactly what it's like being one of the most talked about popsters of the moment. We also get the low-down on what they have up their sleeves for us next. Check it out...

So, whats life like as a duo?
H: Fantastic! We are very similar and like doing the same things.
Claire: Fabulous, I'm having a really good time.

After Steps it was always obvious that all 5 of you were destined for great things. But how did "H + Claire" come about?
H: We were both offered solo deals and realised we weren't ready and we'd miss each other. So I'm stuck with her now!
Claire: We were just too chicken to do it on our own!

What's the most exciting thing about your new career?
Claire: Just the new challenge really, a chance to start afresh.
H: New challenges. Taking on SM:tv, recording our album and having the best songwriters write for us.

Are you worried about how people will receive your new direction?
Claire: No, because I think there will always be an element of Steps in our music.
H: A little apprehensive but not worried. We've had so much support from the fans, they've been fantastic.

H, judging by your video shoot report it sounds like you two had a blast over in Miami.
H: It was sooo hot, I even got a tan! Great fun, I'd never been to Miami. I'd love to live there one day. The villa we filmed in was out of this world!

Did you attend any show biz parties while you were there?
H: At the time it was the world music conference and there were a lot of artists there - Britney, Fatboy Slim, loads of DJ's. But we were too busy to go out with them! We did manage to party on our own a bit though!

Talking of parties, if YOU were the DJ at a top celeb party what would be the track you'd play to get that party jumping? (And no, DJ is not allowed!!)
H: I love clubby songs at parties and so it would have to be fast, maybe Fragma - Miracle or S Club - Don't Stop Movin.

During your pop star career, what's the coolest thing you've stol... borrowed on your travels?
Claire: I would never steal anything!
H: The Mini Bar (only joking)!! I've got some bed sheets that are really cool.

We love the video to DJ; it's quite different to anything you've done in the past (and you both look fab in it!) Are you glad to be moving away from your 'Stepsy' image?
Claire: We're not glad to be moving away from that image because it was right at the time but we've both grown up since we joined Steps and now we feel like we can express that more.
H: Not glad but we've both grown up a little (yes even me!!) and it's time for a change. But everything we've done in the past was right at the time.

Tell us about how you landed the co-presenting role on SM:tv.
H: We've presented the show before and stood in for Ant, Dec and Cat, obviously the producers were impressed enough with us to invite us back.
Claire: We spent a lot of time down there last year, both as co-presenters and performers, and we must have done something right!

Have you been practising your presenting techniques in front of the mirror ready for Sat 13th April?
H: Nah! The good thing about SM:tv is that we get to be ourselves and get to take the mick, can't wait!
Claire: No, but maybe I'll wish I had been!

Are you nervous about following in the footsteps of Ant, Dec + Cat?
H: The show has such a good reputation, it's an honour to be presenting it. We'll just do what we do and hope everyone likes it.
Claire: Not really nervous because at the end of the day we can only give it our best shot and hope that people like it.

If you could interview anyone on the show who would be your ideal subject to interrogate?
Claire: I know this sounds mad, but that would have to be Elvis! I was actually born on the day that he died and I've always thought that he would have been an amazing person to meet.
H: Britney! She's doing so well at the moment.

Will you still have time to give us a performance or two on the show?
H: Of course. We've paid them a lot of money (only joking)!! Maybe Tess and Brian can join in?!
Claire: Absolutely! We'll be performing DJ again on CD:UK and we'll even be doing an exclusive performance of one of the B sides on the CD.

What else can we expect from you in the future? Is DJ an indication of what's to come?
H: The future is very bright. We'll definitely still be pop, good pop songs are what we are about. We want everyone to enjoy them as much as we do.


Interview 5: Claire Gets Chatty

How are you finding it as a duo when there used to be five of you? 

It's good fun and we're having a good time. It seems to be quite calm and easy. Although, when there was five of us - and you were having a bit of a down or quiet day - there was four other people to back you up. Now there's a lot more riding on just you.

Are you still in touch with the others?                                                                                           

 I have sent text messages to them a couple of times but not actually spoken to them. We both saw Lee at New Year. I texted Faye last Monday to say good luck with her single, out on the same day as ours, but she hasn't replied. I don't know if that's a good sign or not.

I was gutted at Christmas when Steps split up as it was such a shock. How did you both cope over that difficult time?   

I know it was a crap thing to split up over the Christmas period but it wasn't planned and wasn't a big conspiracy. We were going to announce it at a press conference but somebody leaked it. There'd been so many stories before where it wasn't true, we didn't want to deny it again for the sake of doing a press conference in January. That's why we made a statement.

Why did the two of you go it on your own?                                                                            

Over Christmas, because H and I were labelled the bad guys, we spent quite a lot of time together and got through it together. What made it horrible was that when we left it had been amicable and then it all changed. As far as we were concerned, it had all been fine. I didn't expect to see them all straight away but then it all got nasty. It's not been very nice. H and I are friends anyway and we'd been offered solo deals with Columbia and BMG but were both a bit scared. Even though we knew we didn't have the band anymore, it wasn't because we wanted to go off and have this big solo career. It was because we weren't happy anymore. I'm only 24 and I don't think Ive done everything yet to get to that point.  We thought we'd just do a single together or something and ease ourselves into it. Then that one single turned into a four album record deal.

How did you get to work at SM:TV?                                                                                          

We'd signed the deal and were in the US doing the video for the single. Our manager got a phone call from the executive producer of the show saying: "Do H and Claire want to co-present the show. James Redmond is going and we'd really love for them to come and take over." I'd been the first ever guest presenter on the show and H done it quite a lot last year. We both thought it was great. After though, one of us would think about it and say: "Oh no!" It is quite tiring and at the moment we are juggling things. Tess and Brian just do odd work in the week but it's harder for us as we are promoting the single. It's so intense.

How do you learn your lines?

I don't know. I literally read it before I say it. I can't read it on a Thursday and learn absolutely everything. I couldn't just sit there and learn the whole script or I'd just get stressed out. I try and sit back on it and relax. 

Do you prefer presenting on SM:TV or being a singer?                                                         

I'm a singer. I do like the presenting and it's nice for a change but I don't ultimately want to be a TV presenter. I will always have music but presenting gives you a chance to do something different so you can't get bored with either.

Do you feel as much pressure to add dance routines into your performances because they featured in Steps?    

We are at the moment as DJ is so dancey but we may step back a little as we go along. We feel a bit silly and a bit too old now for all that.

If you don't get the same success as a duo as you had with Steps will you regret splitting the band up?                                                                                                                    

No. It was the right thing to do at the right time and I don't regret it. I believe in what we did. I will stick by my decision. Yes, it was unfortunate but you can only do the best you can.

How do you and H get on?                                                                                                            

We are like brother and sister- we bicker, which is quite funny sometimes.

Why did you release DJ on the same day as Faye's song?                                                 

We didn't. It's just a coincidence. From the minute we decided that we wanted to be a duo that was always going to be the release date. I think she announced after us that she was going to release her song on the same day. I didn't want a big chart battle. I've not heard her record properly though to be honest. She did it last year with Russell Watson at Proms In The Park and it's on his album. I hope she does well, she deserves it.

Do your fans side with their favourite member?                                                                 

I think a lot of them probably did have a favourite member and they will go in that direction but hopefully they will support all of us.

How did you cope with life on the road when you were in Steps?                                       

To start off with it was hard. Our very first time on the road was very exciting. We were staying in B&Bs and it was all very cheap and cheerful but good fun. We were all so excited about what we were doing together. As it went on it got easier when I met my boyfriend. He's a dancer and so I got to take him on the road with me. That was really nice as we got to spend a lot of time together.

Have you ever considered going solo?                                                                            

Ultimately I think that's what everybody wants and I will do eventually.  I have to be able to say I can give it 100 per cent first. My voice needs a lot of improvement.  I try and take lessons whenever I can and I really should have them every week. I've got quite a big voice  a big gob. My idols were always Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion and that's what I want to be like. I'd love to be able to say I can be up there like those type of people. That's what I want to do - it's my plan.

Who would you like to do a duet with?  

I think Dane Bowers has an amazing voice and Darren Hayes. Insatiable was an amazing song and he has a brilliant voice. Otherwise, if Karen Carpenter was alive then her. I love her.

Has H grown up at all now he's moved on from Steps? 

Bless him. I think this industry allows you to act like a kid. I'm not that old but I still don't feel 24 I feel like a teenager sometimes.  I think H has matured a little bit. He doesn't run around poking his tongue out at the camera like he used to all the time. He reckons he's got me sussed and he goes along with what I say - but I think the opposite. 


Interview 6: H & Claire Go Under Cover

So what went wrong with Steps?
H: Nothing went wrong, it just ran out of steam.
Claire: We've all grown up and changed. Faye's getting married this year and Lisa's managing 3SL. Lee really wanted to concentrate on his acting. If your mind is elsewhere you can't concentrate on your job.
When did you two decide to quit the band?
Claire: On the Greatest Hits tour. From the start of rehearsals it was becoming increasing clear that some people where losing interest...
H: Myself and Claire didn't miss a day of rehearsals and we were the only two who didn't. We were like what's going on here.
Claire: People's priorities were changing. Lisa even popped off to South Africa for a week to film her brothers video...
H: Which I'm sure was very nice.
Claire:I'm sure it was lovely.
At some point you two must have made the decision. When was that?
A couple of days before we spoke to the others about it. I said to H 'I don't think I can do this anymore, I don't think I want to.'
H: I said 'I'm so pleased you said that. I don't want to either.'
Claire: I wanted a bit of back up because I knew I was going to say something anyway, whether H left or not.
What did you actually say?
Claire: We were having a meeting about the Sky Pay Per View show in Manchester, which we were going to do the next day. We'd decided to have the whole of January off and come back in february with a big meeting about our new album, but I just said 'I'm sorry I'm not coming back in February'.
H: And I said 'And neither am I' And do you know what everyone in the room agreed with us it was a mutual thing.
That's not the story we've heard.
(Getting annoyed)No it's not now, obviously! Because everyone's changed their minds and decided to play the big victim. We've been portrayed as the bad guys. I think it's because then we decided to become a duo abd they think we've been plotting something sinister for ages.
And you hadn't?
H: Honestly at that point there was no mention of us two staying together. Afterwards I joked that I could be a backing singer for Claire in her solo career and then we thought well why don't we just do it together.
So now you've all fallen out?
Claire: Not as far as we're concerned. We saw Lee on New Year's Eve and it was cool.
H: And Claire has texted Faye.
Claire: After me supposedly saying 'May the best woman win - and that's me!' - which I never said - I texted her saying - 'Just want you to know that had nothing to do with me' and she texted me back saying, 'I know don't worry we're all doing great.'
Interview 7: H & Claire AOL Chat Transcript

What have you been up to today?
Claire: We've been very busy today with lots of interviews and a Disney channel performance.
H: Lots of interviews for websites and we've just come straight here to chat to you guys!
You both looked exhausted after performing DJ on SM:tv. Does it wear you out?
Claire: DJ has a very energetic dance routine so we do get a bit puffed out at the end of it.
H: And its because we'd been up since 5 in the morning!
If You weren't both Pop Stars what would you be doing now?
I went to art college so I'd probably be doing something there
Claire: Fart college... I'd like to be a make-up artist or a stylist, as these are areas I've become an expert in over the last few years.
When will your official website be launched?
There're a few technical hitches at the moment we were supposed to be up today, but we'll be up and running tomorrow.
Claire: We hope.
Was it strange to perform old Steps songs at G.A.Y on Saturday night?
It wasn't weird actually, we chose songs that only myself and H sang on anyway we didn't pick songs that everyone else sang on.
It's been five years to the day since Steps formed... how are u both feeling about that?
H: It's weird to still be here.
Claire: Happy Anniversary everyone!
H: No other band has lasted 5 years for a good while we had a good innings.
Happy Birthday for tommorow H. What are you doing to celebrate?
H: I'm working! But I think we're going to go for a nice little meal tomorrow. We're doing the Disney Kids launch tomorrow morning and Richard and Judy in the afternoon.
Claire: We'll get Richard and Judy to sing Happy Birthday to you!
H: My friends came down at the weekend and I had a party with cheese on cocktail sticks, and jelly and ice cream for afters.
Claire: He's 26!
Are you going to do a tour together?
Claire: We'd love to do a tour together but we're very busy this year with SM:tv and the album, so hopefully next year.
H: But we are doing lots of radio roadshows over the summer so come see!
Is it very different being a duo to being in Steps, do you prefer it?
It was weird at first, but myself and Claire, we were always partners in crime but it was weird at first not having the other three with you but we've got used to it now.
What do like better singing or presenting SM:tv?
H: I think what's great about our job is that you get to combine lots of different things there are loads of different doors open and you get to put you fingers in lots of different pies.
What is your favourite part of SM:tv?
Claire: I love doing the sketches, we get to mess around and pretend to be somebody else.
H: The best thing about it is that my mother knows where I am, as she can see me on TV and it's live so she knows where I am. She always calls me afterwards and tells me I need to eat more.
Did you have a nice Bank holiday?
Claire: It was nice but we worked all day, we didn' t have a normal bank holiday.
H: One good thing was that the roads were empty as everyone else was in the beer gardens, we did as signing as well, it was a good day.
Where the heat magazine pics funny to do then guys?
H: We were naked in bed together!
Claire: No we weren't! H enjoyed it... he had big sweaty armpits
H: In the first shoot they wanted us to put handcuffs on...
What would you feel like if DJ bacame no1 on Sunday???
H: That would be fantastic, but we'd like to build, and we're treating this like our first single, but it would be nice.
Did you enjoy your appearance at GAY on Saturday night, and did Brian and Tess your co presenters on SM:tv Live go along to give you support?
Claire: We had a great night on Saturday, Brian and Tess couldn't come becuase they were busy but we got a supportive text from Brian. They were both on holiday (seperately).
H, i met your mum in Treorchy Day Centre when I was training to be a nurse. She was trying to get everyone to buy 'Last Thing On My Mind!'  I bet she doesn't have to do that any more!!  She was really nice, gave me a massage as well!
Don't tell my father that! But she does give a wicked massage, 'cause I was her guinea pig when she was at college.
Claire whats your favourite piece of make-up and why?
Claire: I like mascara, and lip gloss and cream blusher and eyeshadow.
H: And polyfilla...
Claire in the latest issue of smash hits H said that Mark was ur fiancee- are you engaged or was this a mistake the mag made?
It was a mistake, we're not engaged. Me and Mark are very happy but we're not engaged.
H: It was a misprint.
If you were to cover any song of all time, what would it be?
It's a song called Reunited by Peaches and Cream that we both like.
Who is your childhood hero and why?
We both loved Five Star
Claire: My idol was Karen Carpenter, because I think she's got a fantastic voice.
H: George Michael
Claire: Michael Ball, Cliff Richard...!!
H,  I'd like to ask you if you've had those driving lessons yet?
Claire: No he hasn't and he even had a whole month off in January and didn' t bother to have them, and now he wants a scooter...But he can't even drive a car
H: Don't listen to her, I was ill. I'll let you know when I'm on the road.
Any audtion tips?
Just go in and be yourself and do your best and don't sing YMCA.
Did you see  Pop Idol? If so who should have won?
H: I liked Hayley, she's got a wicked voice, she did 'That Old Devil Called Love' I think. I bumped into her on Tottenham Court Road as well!
Claire: I thought Will was good, he deserved to win.
H: Gareth came on our show 'Steps to the Stars' a year ago
H you lived with Lee what was he like to share a house with?
H: We are total opposites, he's obsessively tidy
Claire: He's the only person I know who would have people over, give them popcorn and then hoover up while you're still there!
H, would u go back to being a red coat?
H: It's changed alot since I was there, I think you can actually do a course and they give you qualifications in performing arts. But never say never!
Claire, I love your hair in the DJ video, how did you get it like that?
H: It wasn't real it was a wig!
Claire: It was real hair, it just wasn't mine. It's all kind of tongs, and lots of styling products
Do you still keep any of the gifts people give you and if so what is your favourite?
I've got loads of teddy bears, and everybody gives me keyrings, I've got my housekeys on them.
If you both had the opportunity to duet with anyone in the world - who would you choose?
I've been thinking about this and I think Darren Hayes, I think he's got a great voice.
H: Who could I do one with? Bob the Builder...Cerys?
What's your top tune at the moment?
Claire: That Liberty X song is brilliant, Brian is obsessed with that song
H: I like 'Make it Good' by A1, that's cool
Do you wish Faye the best of luck with her and Russell Watson's single?
Claire: I sent Faye a text yesterday to wish her the best of luck.
H: I sent one as well.
If you was stuck on a desert Island what 3 things would you have with you?
H: Suncream, aftersun and Claire to rub it in, she could be my slave.
Claire: Suncream, a CD player (with CDs obviously) and Mark my boyfriend it'd be just like Blue Lagoon.
Whats are your fave TV show ?
Claire: Friends
H: Sex in the City, and the Simpsons Ha-Ha'
Claire: My dog looks like Santa's little helper especially when he was a pup
H: Do you know what I'm addicted to at the minute, Bid-UP.tv the auction channel, I bought an aerobed on it. It only takes 20 seconds to pump up, it's really good it says you get an adrenalin rush and I did as well. My friend presents it,  her name is Elisa, she's the blonde one.
Do you know you already have a Welsh Language tribute band? Even before your first single!
H: That's cool! Somebody actually rerecorded our songs in Welsh and my friend's a Welsh teacher so I gave her them to help in school.
What are your worst habits?
H: I haven't got any.
Claire: Compulsive lying is H's worst habit.
H: Claire sings all the time.
Claire: Some people pay good money for that.
H: To shut you up...
H: When Claire sleeps she puckers her lips.
There haven' t been that many male/female duos in the past....if you could be a male/female duo from past years who would you like to have been?
Claire: Sonny and Cher
H: Renee and Renato
Claire: Sooty and Sweep, Zippy and Bungle
H what colour of socks are you wearing?
H: Blue, and they're clean but when I'm in the house I wear these big cream fluffy ones, they're Totes
Claire would you ever snog H?
Absolutely never
H: How much would it take?
Claire: There's not enought money in the world
What is your favourite saying and why does it appeal to you?
H: Are we nearly there yet?

Claire: H says 'Is it time for food?' 'What time are we on?' and '... You know'.
Claire: I like "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping".
What are your most embarrassing moments?
My top came undone and I caught it just in time and that was in the same show that the zip went in my  trousers.
H: I caught it
Did you know that they were going to play Tragedy on Casually?
No I didn't actually, all week when we were rehearsing they were playing Evergreen.
Whats it like to work on SMTV and is Brian just as funny in real life?
Brian is exactly the same at all times and he never calms down.
H: I thought I was bonkers but this guy takes the biscuit.
Claire: Absolutely off his rocker, he's like a child in a grown man's body.
H: Like a kid in a sweet shop
Claire I love the baggy trousers you wear, where do u get them?
Claire: You can get them from lots of different shops, Selfridges and most big deparment stores and you can get pretend ones from Top Shop, Miss Selfridges...
H where is your 6 Pack?
H: It's in my fridge at home!
Have you got date for your second single yet?
H: Second single in August some time.
Claire: The album in November but DJ is out now!
If you had to do a photo shoot anywhere in the world where would it be?
H: In my bed, I wouldn' t have to get out of it then.
Claire: I'd go to that desert island we were talking about earlier.
H: I'd leave you there! You'd be like that bloke with a crab and a fridge.
Claire: Just the two of us...
What's the best prank either of you have ever done?
We were on tour, really really tired, I spoke to my boyfriend who was on the tourbus and I told them the show was cancelled, he told the bus driver and they nearly turned round and headed back to London. Also, we stripped H once and put him in a lift!
What is your favourite food?
Claire: Anything that isn't good for you
H: Junk food. I love cheese and onion crisps and KitKats at the same time and Marks and Spencers cookies.
Claire I know you like the Carpenters, if you could cover any Carpenter song which one would it be?
Claire: The very first song I ever sang to an audience was 'Goodbye To Love' which is a Carpenters song, so probably that one.
H: I'd sing 'Superstar'
What would you say are each others best (and worst!) qualities?
I haven't got any worst qualities...
Claire: He's very good at drawing pictures, and he's prompt but impatient.
H: I'm very loyal. Claire is very generous.
Claire: which is why I'm going to be skint when I'm old!
H: What do you mean when you're old?!
Well on that positive note, we will end it there! Thanks to everyone for joining us tonight, H and Claire, any final words?
H: We've not done this for ages, but it's really wicked
Claire: Thank you very much for coming on and for all your questions see you really soon. Thanks and byeeeeee.
Interview 8: Claire Hopes For A Hit

Former Steps singers Claire Richards and her sidekick H are keeping everything crossed in the hope that their debut duo single hits number one.
But the pair think they may already have a good omen for the dance track 'DJ'
While they were out filming the video in the states their visit coincided with a disc jockey championship.
Claire revealed: "We flew out to Miami and by pure chance we spotted all these signs for a big DJ competition. how weird is that? It kind of made us think that maybe this was a good omen"
Claire and H (real name Ian Watkins) teamed up as a chart act following
Steps' shock split last christmas
News of the break-up of one of the UK's major pop bands, after massive hits like Tragedy, One For Sorrow and Stomp, stunned fans and music industry bosses.
All five group members including Lee, Faye and Lisa have avoided speaking about the end of Steps, but Claire, 24, did reveal something "The reason why none of us has rushed to do a book is because the truth about the break up is very boring. Both H and I had spoken to the others about breaking up and they agreed with us that we had taken the band as far as it could go we couldnt see Steps carrying on. there was no argument"
But the shapely singer admits that it would have been nice to give fans a farewell single and confessed there were plans to do that,
She said "We were going to release Baby Don't Dance, which was a new track on the Gold album and favorite in our live show. We even filmed our performance on the stage during the tour as a video to go with the single, but after we spilt it was decided it wouldnt go ahead"
It didnt take Claire and H long after the break up to realise that they could make sweet music together. The pair decided in january to team up and try their luck at the chart stardom as a pop duo.
Claire said "We both were offered solo deals but felt it would be strange being out there on our own we asked some people in the business what they thought and they backed us and here we are"
The single DJ is already a hit in the clubs and the pair hope it will be massive when it is released next week
Claire said "It's not too far from the Steps sound, but it's a little more slick and mature we want to take all our old fans with us as we slowly get used to being a duo"
Asked if they would ever perform Steps songs again. she said "We might do some. But I wouldn't ever sing songs which had Faye on lead vocals it wouldn't seem right. There are tracks which H and I did duet on like Deeper Shade Of Blue"
Claire and 25 year old H were not only snapped up by a record company. SM:tv bosses grabbed them as presenters when newcomer James Redmond got the boot.
Claire said "The offer was totally unexpected but we love doing the show they getsome amazing celebrity guests. But there are some icons I don't want to meet. I love Whitney and Madonna but I'm scared if we met it'd shatter the illiusion. If they're booked to appear. maybe I'll take the day off"
Now the thorny question... did they have a big fight over whether they would be H and Claire or Claire and H?
Claire laughs "Oh yes-we were at it cat and dog! Seriously - it wasnt an issue when the record company asked us about the name I told H it didnt matter to me whose name went first so it's H and Claire on the record cover. I'm sure it's kept him happy being first!"


Interview 9: H & Claire On Being Branded Bad

Congratulations on your new single DJ (out May 6th). Are you excited about it's release?
H: Yes it's a new era and a brand new chapter for both Claire and myself. We always said when we were in Steps together that there would be a new chapter but I hadn't the foggiest that it would be as great as this!
Claire: It is daunting but it's just like starting out with that little added extra. Ifeel like I've matured and grown in a whole new direction, but other times I don't even feel like I'm 24 - more like 16. That's the beauty of the industry I guess.
What are you're plans to dominate the British Charts?
H: We'll always admit that pop music is where our roots lie, and we're determined to take our old fans - and the new ones - along with us on a musical journey. We'll never try and be something we're not. Pop is what we do best, so opting to go in a different musical direction would not only be wrong, but also insulting to our fans.
How have Steps fans reacted to the new partnership and your debut single? Have they given you support?
Claire: Without a doubt. I mean just look at our website - it's getting 22,000 hits a week so the support is definately there and they seem to like what we're doing. It's all looking lovely at the moment.
The nation was shocked when the band split on Boxing Day last year. Was that a difficult day for both of you?
H: It was. We were all back home with our families for Christmas and we'd just finished our tour and the split wasn't going to be announced until mid-January, but somebody leaked it to the press and spoilt it for everyone.
Claire: Everyone just went crazy and it was very unexpected for us. It wasn't the way we wanted it to happen at all.
The papers have claimed that there have been all sorts of arguments in the band since the split. Has it been hard trying to explain what really went on?
H: Definately. If you look back on pop history and see other bands that have split and who start to slate each other in public, it comes across as being bitter. As far as I;m concerned everything was totally amicable and I think it looks really, really sad when people slag off people they've worked with so long. It leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.
Would you like to set the record straight about your relationship with the other three members of the band?
Claire: I wish everybody the best of luck, it isn't perfect between us all at the moment. It's like a new wound and it still hurts, but H and I have done so well instantly and I'll always have a special place for Lisa, Faye and Lee in my heart. It's just a healing process and even though I;ve been tagged as the one who caused it all, it's just so wrong. All of us wanted to leave Steps at sometime or another, so it's irritating to be tagged as the 'bad ones' because we're not.
Have you spoken to the others?
H: I've been in touch with Lee so it's not total hatred, as the papers have made out. Well not on mine and Claire's part anyway. Wheteher the pthers have changed their mind I don't know.
Interview 10: Hey Mr & Mrs DJ

STEPS who? H & Claire have opted for a new world of their own. We talk to pop's perkiest pair to find out how well they know each other.
H, your time starts now...
What naughty things would Claire do if she could gaurantee her boyfriend would never find out?
H: She might go to a strip club, but I'd tell Mark, so he'd find out!
Claire: I would eat loads of junk food. I'm supposed to be on a diet and Mark's really fit, so he's trying to help me. If he didn't find out I'd probablt eat more junk food.
Wrong 'Nil Points!
What sort of underwear does Claire wear?
H: Victoria's Secret. I should know I've sat outside the shop enough! How the hell she calls ;em knickers I don't know. They're more like shoelaces.
Claire: I like comfortable underwear, nothing too skimpy, and I only shop at Victoria's Secret. It's American so when we go there once a year,  I stock up on knickers!
Correct! 1 point.
Does Claire pick her nose?
H: Everybody picks their nose, but Claire won't admit she does it. Her wost habit is telling me what to do. 'Don't wear that, do wear this' she's a bit bossy. I just agree, then do something completely different.
Claire: Of course I don't pick my nose! But I do have one bad habit - shopping.
This is a tough one. We don't believe Claire. We'll be generous and award H 1/2 a point because we're feeling nice.
What's Claire's middle name?
Yikes! Nobdy has ever asked me that! Oooh, umm, I think it's Anne - Claire Anne Richards. Yes that's it!
Claire: Anne. When I was little I was always told that if you're initials spelled out a word then you'd be rich and famous, and mine does CAR.
Nice one H. You are correct and have won yourself a point.
What part of her body would she like to change?
Probably her bum. Claire gets a lot of abuse because she's big bined, but I think she's perfect. She puts those Ally McBeal types to shame.
Claire: My bum. People want to see skinny popstars; they don't like it when you're curvy. Kylie, Geri, you're doing absolutely nothing for my street cred!
We're with you there Claire. 1 point to H.
H scored an impressive 3.5 out of 5. Not bad at all. But how will Claire fair...
Claire what has been H's worst fashion disaster?
Claire: Gold and yellow pedal pushers, he had them in other colours too. Blue and green I think. He didn't know when to stop, bless him
H: Yellow pedal pushers. And I had gold ones too. They were in at the time, but looking back they were not good.
Frightening! 1 point to Claire!
What is the longest H has gone without changing his pants?
Claire: Euw, I don't want to know the answer I'm sure it's disgusting. I know he wears Calvin Klein pants.
H: Yuk! That is not an isue - I change them every day!
Do we believe him? Claire scores nothing.
Who is his least fave pop star?
Claire: He doesn't like Christina Aguilera 'cos she's rude. Once when we were in Germany, she turned up with a coat slumped over her shoulders, chewing gum. Her bodyguard pushed me out of the way and she just strolled along behind him. I was like 'Excuse me!'
H: Everyone has their place but I don't like Eninem's attitude.
No, no and thrice no! That's a big zero Claire!
What is the worst thing that H has done to embarass himself?
Claire: He ate a snail on TV in Spain - he's revolting. When 5,6,7,8 came out, we went to Austria and Lee wasn;t very well so H had to do the rap, which is embarrassing enough, but then he came in at the wrong time and freaked out!
H: When we met the Pet Shop Boys, I said 'My brother went to see you in Cardiff'. And they said 'We haven't played in Cardiff'. I was like 'yeah you have and he said you were really good.' Then I realised it was Erasure he saw. But they were nice and forgave me.
You're not doing very well here Claire, nil points!
Which celeb would H like to snog?
Claire: He's got a soft spot for Britney and he used to really fancy Cindy Crawford.
H: I'm not saying who I fancy, Claire will say Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Claire gets a bonus point cos H won't say.
After intense questioning Claire scored a dissapointing 2 points put of 5.
Interview 11: Two's Company
What's the worst argument you've ever had?
Claire: That'd be when we were filming our tour video. I was told we had all afternoon to do it so I didn't rush to get ready. But H came in and told me off!
H: I was told we only had a little while to do the video so I thought you'd kept everyone waiting for an hour!
Claire: But I wasn't the only one who wasn't ready! He made me cry and everything, which made me even later cos I had to have my make up redone!
H: I remember her saying, "Why do you always take it out on me?"
Claire: And he said, "The world doesn't revolve around your butt lady!" Ha, ha!
Has it ever come to blows?
Together: No Way!
H: We honestly don't argue that much!
Claire: We have niggly little rows no and again but they're only natural. They're usually when we're tired - everything's worse when you need sleep.
What about in Steps?
Claire: There weren't many at all. If anything was said, it was usually about someone being late.
H: And guess who was the worst for that?!
Claire: At the end it wasn't me! For the last year and half Lee was laways late for everything!
How do you unwind?
Claire: By taking a bath.
H: Sitting on the sofa with my little kitties. Claire's got a lovely doggy too!
Claire: Yeah - Benji. It's lovely when he comes for a cuddle.
H: When I have a bath the cats walk along the side. One fell in the other day - it was so funny he looked liked a drowned rat! Bless him!
What's the perfect relaxing day?
Claire: Not getting dressed is great!
H: And not brushing your teeth all day.
Claire: Er no - I still brush my teeth but I love staying in my pyjamas and bringing the duvet downstairs.
H: And lying on the sofa all day watching TV. Fab!
What snacks do you like to eat?
H: Loadsa rubbish!
Claire: I've got two-and-a-half-gallons of Haagen Dazs in my freezer!
H: The local cinema broke down so they gave it all to Claire. How convenient!
Claire: My Friend's the manager and I live round the corner. I haven't eaten hardly any of it though. Mark's been eating the lot!
Interview 12: On The Blower With H
What's the last thing you did before speaking to us?

I watched our video The Box. That was really weird I woke up this morning and the video was on The Box and I thought I wished I looked like that now!
Who did you last speak to and what did you say?
My dad. There was a picture of us in the paper this morning and he rang to say it looked good.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
My finger, I've just bitten one of my nails off.
What's in your pocket?
A tissue. I've always got tissues in pockets. Oh yes, there's about 50 in there today. And I've even ironed my own trousers this morning. I haven't done that in ages because my cleaner usually does it.
Who do you fancy?
Lots of people for different reasons. You know who I think is fantastic, Holly Valance. She's on the same label as us, so we might go out to dinner with her later.
When was your last snog and who was it with?
I'm not telling ya.
What are you most looking forward to doing today?
Going home to bed cos I'm jet lagged. I want sleep!
What are you doing tonight?
We're going to get home late. I'm going to practise the lyrics to DJ cos I've got loads of ad libs and I don't know where they come in!
Interview 13: H Goes Under The Grill
Why H & Claire and not Claire & H? Is H boss?
No, not at all! I like to think it's very equal but Claire seems to think that she's the boss. I don't mind. Let the woman win! If you look at famous couples throughout history, for some reason the man's name comes first. Donny & Marie, Richard & Judy, Sonny & Cher.

What is the truth about the rumours that Benny & Bjorn from Abba wrote a new song for you?
H: A-ha! Watch this space! It's very exciting so let's just say that. I think that everybody likes Abba, don't they?

If you were locked in a room with a group of fans, what would be the first thing you would ask them and what would you do to pass the time?
I'd like to ask how they get to destinations before us because I'd like to travel with them. They follow us around but they actually get there before us! Can I cadge a lift?
Love the new song. When is the new album coming out?
The second single is out in August and it's called 'Half A Heart'. Then we'll have another single out in October and then the album in November. We're doing lots of radio roadshows this summer then our own tour next summer. 'DJ's very poppy and there's still going to be a lot of pop. But the Steps sound was very synthesized and there'll be lots of real instruments on this album.

My question is which three Steps songs are you gonna miss singing the most and are you still in touch with Lisa, Lee and Faye?
Umm... 'You'll Be Sorry' - I love that one. 'Deeper Shade Of Blue' and I loved 'Heartbeat' too. As for whether we'll ever be performing them, well you'll have to come to the road shows. And the others, well I'm going to see Faye later on at TOTP. I texted her yesterday and she sent one back to say "see you later".
You guys were always the main members of Steps. Did you think the others were lazy?
Lazy? Don't let the others hear you saying that! We all worked very hard, equally as hard. But Claire just had such a big voice and I had such a big mouth, so maybe were more noticable!
Are you a couple cause I saw a piccie of H touching Claire's bum?!
Oh, not at all! We're more like brother and sister! We fight then kiss and make up!

I just wanted to ask H, coming from Wales like myself, do you miss home and what do you miss about it?
Definitely. I miss my friends and my valley is really very beautiful and when you're in London you miss that greenery. I miss the countryside and when I get back I just breathe a sigh of relief and say "yes, I'm home!"
What do you prefer. Singing or presenting TV.
I actually like them both. It's great to combine them. They go hand in hand now. We've always wanted to do Top of the Pops, though.
Do you regret not leaving Steps sooner?
Not at all. We always said that we'd go out on top which is what we do. It wasn't planned at all - it all came to an end naturally
Interview 14: Step Two

Pop's newest duo, ex-Steps members H and Claire, have just released their debut single DJ and are regular presenters on Saturday morning show SM:tv. We dragged them away from a rather tasty-looking pizza to talk Donna Summer, live dates and being bursting for the loo on live TV.
On forming the duo and facing off with Ronan Keating...
worldpop: When did you decide to work together?

H: In January, about a week before we announced we had become a duo. After Steps split, Claire and I were both offered solo deals. This was just after Christmas and we both wondered, 'Am I ready for this?' I proposed the duo idea to our management and they put some feelers out. Before we knew it, there were four deals from different record companies on the table. Originally we just planned one single together and now it's evolved into a monster!
worldpop: How would you describe your first single?
H: A lot of people have said it's where Steps would have gone. It's pure pop; that's what we love and we're not going to pretend we're indie or rock. DJ is a classic pop record with a message. The message is to have a good time.
worldpop: The bassline on DJ sounds familiar to us. Is it a sample?
Yes, it's a sample from Donna Summer's single I Feel Love. I guess she was fine about us using it. You'd need to ask the song's writer and producer, though, we just sing it!
worldpop: How do you feel about going head-to-head with Ronan Keating?
H: DJ and If Tomorrow Never Comes are two very different singles for two very different markets. I think Ronan will do well and we'll do well. We're treating this as our first single and as long as DJ goes into the Top 5, I'll be really happy. Steps was never a No 1 band, we always built on our success. It's a lot less pressure that way.
worldpop: Did you consider any band names before you choose to be 'H and Claire'?
Claire: Well, basically the decision was whether to be a band or whether to just be ourselves and we both said it would be nice to be ourselves.
H: We've always been known as H Steps or Claire Steps so it's nice just to be us.
On juggling singing and presenting, and life after Steps...
worldpop: How can you combine working at SM:tv with your pop career?
It takes a bit of juggling but we manage it! We work on SM:tv and cd:uk three days a week; Thursday, Friday and the live shows on Saturdays. We were originally contracted for five months and we've been asked to stay for longer, so we'll just see how our schedule shapes up this year.
worldpop: Have you had any embarrassing moments while presenting live?
Claire: I nearly missed saying goodbye to the guests at the end of one show. I was sitting in the make-up room, waiting for someone to get me when it was time - and nobody did!
H: There's been times when I've come back to the toilet with two seconds to spare. The producers are shouting down your earpiece and you'll be going, 'I'm just shaking the drips!'
worldpop: Will you be glued to the TV screen during the World Cup?
I think we'll have to take some interest in it, because I have to be the commentator on Eat My Goal (SM:tv's footie feature) for the next three months. I know nothing about football and both Claire and I are quite busy but I'm sure someone will tell us the results.
Claire: England will probably do quite well but I think that no matter what sport it is, including football, the England team tends to bottle out at the last minute. When the whole country starts saying 'you've got to win' there's too much pressure on players.
worldpop: What do you think of Faye's single with Russell Watson?
Claire: I like it. It's a nice song and not like Steps, which is probably exactly what she's going for.
worldpop: Lisa is now managing 3SL. Was she the most business-minded member of Steps?
H: Lisa is very quick to jump on opportunities. Good on her, she's very ambitious. 3SL are really nice lads too, so good luck to them.
On the future, auditions and Pop Idol...
worldpop: Do you have any plans for live dates?

H: There'll be lots of summer roadshows and we're working out a minishow but the set list is rather short at the moment, for obvious reasons. We're going to give fans lots of surprises, though, that's all I can say! We'll also be doing a full tour in the distant future, not this year.
worldpop: Tell us about your other plans...
H: We've recorded a second single. It's wicked! Still pop, but laidback and funky.
Claire: It's called Half A Heart and it's coming out in August.
worldpop: Are shows like Pop Idol the best way to discover new talent?
Pop Idol is the Holy Grail for finding new artists at the moment, but next year it will be something else. I'm so bored of it all.
Claire: I don't like the fact that they're being portrayed as these enormous pop stars when they've only released one single. You hear that 'they can't do this' or even appear on Top Of The Pops because they're so famous. They're riding on the crest of a wave at the moment but when it comes to their second album, they'll have to start to prove themselves. They did well with the tour and it was interesting the rest of the 10 finalists were there too. Some of them will obviously be more successful than others and some of them probably haven't got a record deal. They'll always be in the shadow of Will, Gareth and Zoe.
H: I thought Hayley was brilliant, amazing. She's a really sweet girl and should have done a lot better than she did.
worldpop: What did you think about the Pop Idol contestants who didn't make it to the finals?
Claire: The best one was the guy who got really upset, chucked his sunglasses across the room and started crying in the middle of the floor. I thought, 'Just get over it. Leave! You crying is not going to convince the judges.'
worldpop: Did you have to endure many auditions before joining Steps?
Claire: Steps was my first major audition and it was nowhere near as bad as Pop Idol. I'm the ultimate blag artist.
H: It was my first audition too, I couldn't believe I got it. We're the only two members of Steps who didn't go to stage school, so we were never sent to auditions.
Claire: It's nice for kids to know that they don't have to go the stage school route to make it. If you've got the balls to go out there and do it, it might pay off.
H: The main thing is to get up off your arse and do it.
Interview 15: H's Fan-ish Inquisition
If I was to give you one million pounds tommorow how would you spend it and why?

H: I would go on a long holiday and possibly buy an island so I can go and relax there all the time!
When are you going on tour and is it true that you will be doing some STEPS songs?
We are doing open-air gigs like Party In The Park this summer to test waters.  We will be touring possibly next year so watch this space!
I've heard that you are recording a song written by Benny and Bjorn of ABBA.  Is this a song that they have newly written, or as I've heard, a version of a song they did with Gemini between 1985-7? Any info appreciated!
As far as we know, Bjorn has rewritten one of their old songs from their back catalogue for us.  I havent heard of it yet so Im not sure which track.  But yes, we will be recording an ABBA song!
Tell me something that i dont already know about you!
There are two things I can tell you that you might not know.  First, my brother is a teacher in China.  The second thing you might want to know is that my favourite place is Hong Kong, I love shopping there!
I think DJ is absolutely fabulous my question is if you could be any famous person who would it be & why?
H: I would definitely want to be Neil Armstrong, to be able to walk on the moon.  Im being naughty here, but if I can be on the moon, I would take a wee there as no one has ever done that!
Will you be releasing your 'DJ' single or album in the U.S.A and Will you  also be coming over and doing any promotion on radio or tv?
Well all I can tell you now is 'watch this space'.  We will be doing a lot of promotion work in Europe this year, then it will be Asia next year, followed by South America.  We hope to see you guys in the US real soon.
Are you guys gonna get that TV show you were talking about? The entertainment one, with acts and bands.
Funny enough, we are having a meeting tomorrow (31 May) to talk about that!  We are in talks with productions company now on ideas.  Since the whole SM: TV thing has become so popular, there has been a lot of interest around for us to do our own show, so stay tuned!
Did you go to see godspell, the production you wanted to be involved in?
No! I havent been yet but would love to go soon.  We are in talks with the producer as hed like me to play a part in Godspell.
What's the thing in your life you're the most proud of?
To be able to live my dream.  My life long goal is to be involved in the music business and I have achieved it! 
What's the question you'd like to be asked and what would you answer?
This is a very good question. Ummmto be asked this question?  Oh, Id like someone to ask me when I would like to have a day off.  And my answer to that question will definitely be 'NOW!'.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Doing crazy things with fellow Steps members.  I remember one time I was tripped by one of the Steps and I ran into a door!
Do you still keep in touch with the other members of Steps? If so, who?
Claire and I saw Faye last week when we were all performing at TOTP.  We had a long chat outside the BBC courtyard so everyone can see we are still talking!  Yeah, we had a nice chat and were glad to see her!
What was the best moment in you career?
The best moment of my career will have to be performing to the troops in Oman.  Were proud to be able to be there to give our boys some moral support! 
What do you imagine you will be doing at the ripe old age of 40,will you still be working in the music business?
H: Oh, we havent thought that far ahead yet.  Will we still be working in the music business?  Oh, Im not sure.  I mean, I am really thankful that we are still working in the music business now so youll never know.  I guess I would be chilling out in a Beach Bar and playing loads of water sports when Im 40.  Oh, Id also love to work with handicapped kids.  Maybe teaching them music!
With the advances in cloning and rumours that the first cloned babies have been produced, what is your opinion on cloning and would you ever consider cloning yourselves?
H: Three words for my answer: 'One is enough!'
If you could be a different celebrity for the day who would you be and why?
I guess I would be Bart Simpson as he gets away from everything. Plus hes not a real character so he can do anything he wants and get away with it!
Interview 16: Dotmusic Interview
Now that the dust has settled from the Steps fallout, H & Claire have risen from the ashes to continue to what they started. While keeping the Steps spirit alive, the duo intent to prove they can do it alone and succeed.
We met the pair in London recently and asked them about the split, their new single, plans for an album and how they're dealing with the workload of TV and pop.

Tell us about the new single.
Claire: "It's called 'DJ', it's a real disco vibe track. It's not a million miles away from Steps but it's not exactly the same."
H: "It's our bridge. It's very sturdy at the moment. We're treating this as our first single and all signs are good. We're just not prancing around in yellow shorts anymore. We didn't want to grow up too fast."

Do you feel liberated?
Claire: "You do in a way, yeah. It is a bit like that. We did make quite a lot of decision together as a band but it was always five ideas and five different opinions so getting us in the same place in our heads was hard. But we're on the same wavelength so making decisions is a hell of a lot easier and we can both see the way we want to go. We can wear what we like and we don't have to fit into a uniform or anything."
H: "We have the same direction."
Claire: "We have grown up. I was a teenager when we started Steps so I've definitely grown up."
H: "With me it's mentally no, physically yes."

How much does this single mean to you?
H: "It's the start of the next chapter for us. It's really exciting."
Claire: "It's like we're starting again."
H: "But we're on a different rung of that ladder. Obviously we never went straight into No.1 with Steps and for the first three or four singles we really worked to build up that fan base and sales. We've got some of that behind us already to back us up."

Ever envisaged ending up together when you started of Steps?
H: "Not like this. We were always sticking together from day one cos we had the same sense of humour. We never thought it'd turn into this."

Were you going to go solo?
H: "When Steps came to an end in January we were both offered solo deals, that is the natural progression but we joined forces."

Is it better together?
Claire: "Definitely at the moment. It could change. We're both still quite young and in the pop industry you have so much pressure to work so hard so to have someone there to back you up when you're absolutely shattered"

Was it hard to find the truth in the tabloid rumours/quotes that flew around after the split?
H: "You don't know who to believe if you can believe anyone. All I know is that on the day it was really amicable and everyone agreed that we went out on top. We've never changed our story. That's what happened for us."

What's the reaction of fans been like?
Claire: "So far everyone's been great and so supportive. We did a signing more people came then normal."
H: "Initially before they hear our side of the story, there was a rumour that we'd split Steps up and we'd left."

How are you coping with the schedule of TV presenting and being a popstar?
H: "It's a challenge but it's great cos so many people wanted that job and people believed in us. We're developing our own TV show for next year as well."
Claire: "It's more of an evening entertainment thing. Like a variety show. A bit like the old palladium shows but not on that level. Having guests on, kinda like the Sonny and Cher show with music and sketches."
H: "Basically SMTV in the evening but not as silly. Some of the things SMTV gets away with I can't believe."

Any plans for an album?
H: "Yeah, we've signed a four album deal so you can't get rid of us that easily. We've done our second single already and the album will be out in November. We've got a track from Daniel Beddingfield which is not what you expect and we've written with Dane Bowers as well.Whatever we do it'll be pop."
Claire: "Our second single is quite different so I think people will be surprised. It's quite far away from what Steps was."
H: "It's got a really good pop groove."

Have you been writing?
H: "Towards the end of Steps for the third album we performed the songs we wrote. You learn so much and you realise that everyone works differently. You learn to work round songwriters.
Claire: "You have to let all your inhibitions go. It's not that easy. You have to be prepared to go into a room with someone and be open-minded. It's like being a trapped animal sat in a room concentrating on one thing for a day or two. I can really frustrated"

Is there anything reflecting the Steps split?
H: "Funnily enough the bonus track is called 'Over You' no only joking!" (much laughter)

Do you feel you've got anything left to prove?
Claire: "Now we've got to prove we can do it on our own without the back up of a band. We have to prove we've got talent and can sustain that success."
H: "We're going to do a lot more live stuff just cos we can."
Claire: "We've never performed with a live band so that's on the cards."

Any plans for a tour?
H: "We're doing summer roadshows which will be a rehearsal for our own shows in the new year."

Are you looking forward to the World Cup?
H: "Yeah, I really like the atmospheres when you're watching it."
Claire: "As long as we're in it in this country. We could probably win it, yeah. I really, really hope we can win it. This country's not had something that we can all pull together for."
H: "It'd be two-fingers up to everyone. It'd boost everyone's morale."

What else are you looking forward to this year?
H: "A day off!"
Claire: "We're so busy - TV and an album to record."
H: "And we're going to be travelling internationally as well in the week. It's going to be manic but we can't complain. We always say it's better to be busy than not."
Interview 17: Claire's Fan-Ish Inquistion
If you could be any famous person who would it be?
I would be Madonna because she is very successful and rich.

Claire out of your time on pop world (although H lives in his own world) what has been the best film premier you have been to?
Claire: Probably Harry Potter.

Claire you sounded amazing as Karen Carpenter on stars in popstars eyes. Was it the Carpenters who gave you the idea to become a duo?
Claire: No it wasnt the carpenters that gave us the idea to be a duo.
You both sounded great singing that rock song on SMTV, any plans to delve into that area?
Claire: I dont think we shall be doing any rock tunes!

What is going to be the main sound of the album? Mostly ballads? Or mostly clubby tracks?
Claire: There will be quite a lot of ballads on the album but its not gonna be really dance music.

What was the best moment in your career?
Claire: When we won our brit award a couple of years ago.

I have been a massive fan of your since you were in TSD, I was wondering if you see Cossi or Bonnie still?
Claire: I still speak to and see Cossi now and again, but I havent seen Bonnie since we split up, I do still speak to Cossi.

What do you imagine you will be doing at the ripe old age of 40, will you still be working in the music business?
Claire: I dont really try to look too far ahead. I think it would be silly to predict your future, but yeah, hopefully Ill still be in the music business.

Whats been your favourite moment on SM: TV since you started presenting?
Claire: Probably the sketches, Table Footballer's Wives, I think that is quite funny, enjoy doing that.
Interview 18: Claire Exposed
Who makes you really loose your rag?
I don't really loose my temper. I'm quite laid back. I guess the omly people I really loose my temper with are H and my boyfriend. Sometimes I get a bit snappy, but I never loose it.
So there's nothing that can make you completely blow your top?
Well someone would have to be very nasty, but I'm a bit of a door mat really. I let people get away with a lot.
What do you do when someone hollers at you?
Cry! I'm not very good at coping with it, I just sit there and take it. I don't think there's any point in two people shouting at each other.
Can you resist having the last word in an argument?
I'm normally the one going 'I don't want to talk anymore'. My boyfriend keeps on until it's sorted though. He can't leave something. I find that good in a way. He believes you shouldn't go to bed on an argument cos you never know what's going to happen, like that could be your last moment together and you're spending it rowing.
Do you ever end up blubbing out of frustration?
Yes, I do, but then I become even more frustrated with myself because I'm crying. I think what are you crying for, for God's sake? You look like such an idiot!
How can we tell if you're going to throw a hissy fit?
I'd probabl go very quiet and start slamming things around. You'd probably get some scowling looks too -n I'm the looks queen! If I was comfotable enough with a person to let them know I was peed off with them, then they would really know about it! They'd know by my evil witch look!
Do you forgive and forget quickly?
Fairly quickly. It depends what the argument is about. I'm very loyal and if somebody upsets me in a big way, then that's the end of the friendship for me. If I don't trust someone 100% then that's it.
Have you lost mates in that way before?
I have actually. Others might think that I overreact, but I can't stand being lied to. Once, back when I was in Steps, I was best friends with a girl. I'd been going through a really rough patch with my boyfriend and I was also worried about my voice because I was going into hospital to have my tonsils out. he said she'd visit me, but she never came and I didn't hear from her for six weeks.
Blimey, what happened?
I think she'd got a new boyfriend. It really upset me. I'd fallen out and made up with her before, but this time it was the last straw. I'd always been there when she needed me. And she knew how upset and worried I was about everything - I was really underweight and in a bit of a mess. I don't want my friends to do that to me. If they do then they're obviously not true friends. I can never forget that.
Finally is there anything you'd like to apologise for?
I should probably apologise to my boyfriend - I don't know why he puts up with me! Every month he has a few days of me being really nasty to him. I'm jsut really nasty. I sanp at everything he says and he can't do anything right! Things like not picking up a towel off the floor or the way he chews his food. I'm like, 'Can you be quiet when you chew your food?! Stop biting your fingernails and put that the right way up!' I mean it's pathetic!