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Site Info

  • This site will be updated every Wednesday & Sunday. To recieve regular newsletters and important newsflashes from this site fill in your details on the main page.

Contact Us

 If you wish to contact us for any general inquireries mail us at SoloSteps@aol.com  

Guest Map

If you would like your questions to be answered more quickly or you would just like to leave a message then use our cool new guest map - it lets you show other fans what part of the world you are from and it's a quicker way to get an answer to your questions, we will answer as many of your questions as possible on this page.

Guest Book

Another way to get in touch is through our guest book - again any queries will be answered on this page so keep a look out for our answers and see if we have been able to help you. We will do our best ;o)














Recommeneded Links
Below are some excellent websites that we recommend you visit:
H & Claire:
www.handclaire.com - Official Site
www.smtvlive.co.uk  - Official Site
www.wea.com - - Record Company Site
Claire Richards:
Faye Tozer:
Lisa Scott-Lee:
www.lisascottlee.com - Official Site
www.stepsofficial.com  - Official Site
www.gensteps.com  - Fansite
www.steptastic.com  - Fansite
www.sneakmagazine.co.uk - Official Site
www.worldpop.com - Official Site
www.dotmusic.com - Official Site
www.ananova.com - Official Site
www.rexfeatures.com  - Official Site
www.smashihits.net - Official Site
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