Faye Tozer Videography


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Read our thoughts on Faye Tozer's Promos and find out what she has to say about them!


Video 1: Someone Like You (Feat. Russell Watson)

Video 1: Someone Like You ( Feat. Russell Watson)

Ohhhh nooo! It's scary giant Russell!!!

Released: 6th May 2002/ UK Peak Postion: 10 / UK Certification: -

The location: Manchester, UK

The look: Very simple for Faye, she's toned down her make up and gone for the natural look and let her own curly hair fall into sexy ringlets. That said she does feature in various states of undress throughout the video including apprearing in a skimpy bra! (Should help the record sales!) Russell atempts different looks but still looks the same.

The story: Faye and Russell try desperately to let one another know how they feel - not easy when one of you is singing in Italian! They have various sets and costume changes, although Russell appears to look exactly the same after each one. Our fave scene has to be the bedroom where Faye is lying seductively on the bed wearing next to nothing whilst pouting at the camera and in the background Russell is playing his guitar..I mean come on, let the poor girl get some sleep!
Joking aside this is actually a really good video and Faye looks stunning throughout. It's definately a hit!

Rating: 10/10

'If he doesn't stop playing that guitar, I'm gonna shove it up his...." "CUT!"

Find out what happened at Faye Tozer's new video shoot....
When the glamourous Faye Tozer called us and said she was recirding a new single, we breathed a huge sigh of relief we didn't want her doing a Stephen Gately and dissapearing after the big split, never to be seen again. So, when she invited us along to join her on the set of her very first post-Steps foray into pop, we were there with bells on...
So here we are in a film studio in Manchester, where Faye is filming the video for her collabaration with hunky opera star, Russell Watson, Someone Like You.
Faye's looing cute and girlie, a far cry from her wacky Steps persona and Russell gazes into her eyes. Men in headphones snap clapperboards and frown when anyone coughs. The rest of the promo, which is directed by former Ultravow star Midge Ure, will feature them smooching on the dancefloor, walking on a beach and...yawn! This Romeo and Juliet vibe is a tad boring, but Midge assures us the video is about a relationship between Faye and Russell, so it would be sloppy stuff!
We find Faye in her star dressing room and knock on the door, only to be greeted by a very glamourous cleaning lady. Ooops, our mistake, it's Faye herself wearing a shellsuit!
The contents of her rider - lemon barley squash and cherry flavoured Tunes are scattered across the table. And she's also brought a glittery fairy with her, which she keeps in her make-up bag for good luck. "It was given to me by a special friend," says Faye. "They said, 'When you bring it with you it will inspire you to inspire others through your performance".  And so far it's worked. "Well nothing's gone wrong yet," she smiles. "Unlike in the Chain Reaction video shoot where my nurses uniform fell open and I flashed at all the cameramen!"
Faye first met Russell Watson last summer at a concert in Hyde Park and soon agreed to join forces with him. "He is a very cheeky, naughty boy" she grins toying with her ringlets.
Since Steps first announced their split on Boxing Day, Faye's been to Hawaii, taken a crusie on the QE2 and performed with Russell in New Zeland. Now she's back in the UK, and busy working on solo material.
"I've been writing since I was 16 years old. The new stuff is definately going to have more of a rock edge to it. Jasper is going to play on some of the tracks. I'll be playing keyboard and piano and experimenting with samples," she reveals. "And as for my look, I'm going to start being me, rather than trying to fit an image." She insists there's no rivalry with her former bandmates. So, who is she still in touch with? "Don't ask me that. Next question!" she says, in the nicest possible way.
Have we struck a sore spot? "I'm not in competition with anyone, my new material will be out at the end of the year. It's not about who releases something first - I just want to make sure that the quality of the music is high".